- for the sake (of)
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Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
for the sake of — 1. For the purpose of 2. On account of • • • Main Entry: ↑sake * * * for the sake of phrase for the benefit or good of someone or something for someone’s sake: We hope for her sake that the wedding goes as planned … Useful english dictionary
for the sake of — for the benefit or good of someone or something for someone s sake: We hope for her sake that the wedding goes as planned. for the sake of something: He agreed to resign for the sake of the party. for someone s own sake: I m not just doing this… … English dictionary
for the sake of it — for no particular reason We drove around town just for the sake of it. • • • Main Entry: ↑sake … Useful english dictionary
for the sake of — index ad hoc, in furtherance Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
for the sake of — or[for one s sake] {adv. phr.} On behalf of; for the benefit of. * /For the sake of truth and freedom, Dr. Sakharov, the Soviet dissident, was willing to be banished from Moscow./ * / Do it for my sake, please! Tom begged./ … Dictionary of American idioms
for the sake of — or[for one s sake] {adv. phr.} On behalf of; for the benefit of. * /For the sake of truth and freedom, Dr. Sakharov, the Soviet dissident, was willing to be banished from Moscow./ * / Do it for my sake, please! Tom begged./ … Dictionary of American idioms
for\ the\ sake\ of — adv. phr. On behalf of; for the benefit of. For the sake of truth and freedom, Dr. Sakharov, the Soviet dissident, was willing to be banished from Moscow. Do it for my sake, please! Tom begged. Syn.: for one s sake … Словарь американских идиом
for the sake of — preposition Because of; out of consideration for; in the interest of. Release this man, for the sake of justice! … Wiktionary
For The Sake Of Revenge — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda For The Sake Of Revenge álbum en vivo de Sonata Arctica Publicación 4 de abril de 2006 Grabación 5 de febrero … Wikipedia Español
For The Sake Of Revenge — est un album et un DVD live du groupe Sonata Arctica sorti en 2006. Ils ont été enregistrés lors du concert au Shibuya AX (une grande salle de concert à Shibuya) à Tokyo le 5 février 2005. For the Sake of Revenge Album par Sonata Arctica Sortie 4 … Wikipédia en Français
For the sake of revenge — est un album et un DVD live du groupe Sonata Arctica sorti en 2006. Ils ont été enregistrés lors du concert au Shibuya AX (une grande salle de concert à Shibuya) à Tokyo le 5 février 2005. For the Sake of Revenge Album par Sonata Arctica Sortie 4 … Wikipédia en Français